Due to convoluted state alcohol distribution laws, no NGBC beers are sold in Illinois, so the only way to get the good stuff is to head north of the state line into Cheeseland. It's so worth it. I'm amazed at how many of my friends take the time to head up to the New Glarus Brewery - I can name 3 who went up this week alone. My friends are smart people.
This morning I was dealing with a nasty hang-over, so I did the only sane thing - I popped a couple of Aleve and started drinking loads of NG beer until my hang-over morphed back into a good buzz. So with a good NG buzz a-popin', here's my break-down of the NGBC's Summer '07 offerings:
Wisconsin Belgian Red Style Cherry Ale & Raspberry Tart Ale
These Lambic style ales are sold in 750ml bottles and are two (of the three) greatest "fruit beers" that I've ever had the pleasure of imbibing. Think cherry or raspberry juice with carbonation and a tart finish. The alcohol notes are so muted as to make these two very dangerous to drink in excess. Truly, two beautiful brews.
Hometown Blond Pilsner
A great pilsner that (in my opinion) surpasses the finest offerings from Czechoslovakia and Germany. Superb .
Copper Kettle Weiss
Really good, but a little too heavy on the spice for my tastes. Worth picking up a case, but just not on par with other premium Weiss beirs. Rank it above Blue Moon and Hoegaarden, but a couple of notches below Allagash White.
Totally Naked Lager
Wow! Just "wow". This is hands-down the cleanest beer that I've ever tasted. It's so subtle that you really can pick out the most basic elements of beer. I love this beer - It's great to find a truly basic beer that doesn't taste like stagnant water.
I bought a couple of cases of Dancing Man Hefe-Weizen and Bourbon Barrel Bock that I haven't gotten into just yet (I'll crack open the Bourbon Bock for JFC @ Bill's tomorrow). I'm sure that they're both sublime.
I've never been able to get into the lambics or fruit beers. I know New Glarus does them as well as anyone, and yet I don't enjoy them like I should. Their beers are among my favorite, though. I hope you like the Bourbon Barrel Bock - I thought it was a little sweet.
I completely agree with the Totally Naked, though - simple and delicious. I also love their IPA and the Yokel beers. The best two beers I've had from there are the Fat Squirrel Nut Brown Ale and the limited run (Unplugged) Russian Imperial Stout - possibly the best beer ever.
We were in Janesville yesterday and I came back empty handed. I suck.
About the Bourbon Bock - if you find it a little raw, store it for a few months. It'll mellow.
I have been to that brewery three times and stayed in town twice at the norse looking motel with the fake cow out front. They make the best beer in America. Fuck you, west coast!
All of their equipment came from Europe and the brew master is a fucking genius. I'd fuck a monkey to have a job at that place.
We got totally naked at Bill's house
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