"I have no great quarrel with being labeled a "fascist." While it is not the whole story, it implies (to me) a sort of Marquis De Sade worldview that sees life in terms of master and slave, strong and weak, predator and prey. I know such views are highly unfashionable, but to me they seem fairly consistent with what I've seen to be true. If others choose to see the world in terms of sugar, spice and everything nice, that's certainly their prerogative, and I would never dream of trying to tell them otherwise. However, I might suggest that they always keep a loaded pistol on the off chance that they could possibly be mistaken."
Boyd Rice
He's a contributer to Modern Drunkard Magazine. Wouldn't it be a coup if he attended the viking funeral of one William "Two-Sheds" Garver?
Burn Garver, burn!
That sounded mean.
Eh, he can take it.
Poor Garv.
This fella's bio makes him sound like a real asshole. Gnosticism? Gah!
Hey, I'm all sugar and spice, but, like I told one deadbeat roommate years ago - if the revolution does come, I'm konkin' some assholes over the head and taking their shit. (No need for a gun.)
Oh, He's a total asshole. That's why I love him.
That is why I will be going to your P's place as a first step on my way out to the middle of the country in case of an apocalypse... big arsenal and loads of fun... (i.e. you... not to mention the survivability factor)...
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