Friday, February 15, 2008

Steve Kazmierczak

The Chicago Tribune hasn't "released" the name of the NIU shooter, but if you follow the leads in THIS article, THIS has to be the guy.
HERE'S something else I dug up.
I think I may have found the guy's Live Journal page. By searching his UIUC alias (sans "2"), I found this (
I really wouldn't paste that link if I were you - The page seemes really wiggy, my SpyBot and StopScript programs started going nuts when I checked it out, which led to the Blue Screen of Death. It might just be Vista being Vista, but I don't trust it.
All you need to know is that the user name is "steve... kaz. ..." & it's titled "Emo-Sexual Blog".

Update: It looks like this one was a false-positive. Sorry, Emo-Sexual Blog - Keep on keeping on.
I went to school in DeKalb and still have a bunch of friends back there (some who work for the university), but I never knew the shooter (nor would I want to).
I just put together some clues that were being floated by various media sources early this morning. I cannot vouch for the validity of any of the aforementioned sites or any sites mentioned in the comment field.
I just happened to be awake at 3AM, did a few simple web searches, and posted what I found - That's it.


Anonymous said...

he is definitely the shooter. I attend uiuc, looked him up in our phonebook, he's there as a grad student in social sciences. Also, it was mentioned on the daily illini (uiuc newspaper) website. I wonder why he chose niu over uiuc...not that im not glad. We seemed to have escaped his tragedy by a hair.

Anonymous said...

Thomas, Jim, Margaret Leaf, Steve Kazmierczak, and Josh Stone. 2006. "Self-Injury in Correctional Settings: 'Pathology' of Prisons or of Prisoners?" Criminology and Public Policy 5(1):193-202.

theres a citation on the FSU website to that article, an article which the trib website says Jim Thomas wrote with the shooter

Anonymous said...

I think this is an old website of his.
with pictures.

Anonymous said...

He apparently goes by "skazmie"

steener said...
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Anonymous said...

hope the suck bastard is burning in hell.

Anonymous said...

He appears to have posted some here:

Anonymous said...

i can't connect his website...
he dressed in black...
maybe he pretended to be a VT gunman.hahaha

Anonymous said...

I'm fairly certain that is not the LJ of the Steve Kazmierczak behind yesterday's shooting. The author was 18 in 2005, and kept talking about going off to college. The shooter was 27.

Anonymous said...

If you know Steve Kazmierczak, I'd like to talk to you. i'm a reporter for a national newspaper.
cell 703 798 9465. thanks

Anonymous said...

i know that there is no official statement about gunman's name,
but what the heck is the source of that steve is a killer?
where it came from?

Anonymous said...

what a cock-sucker

Anonymous said...

The Chancellor from UIUC sent out a mass email recently that the gunman at NIU was indeed a graduate student at UIUC. This means it must be Kazmierczak.

Anonymous said...

I graduated from NIU in 2003 and had many classes and naps in that classroom where the nightmare took place. I chose to continue to live out here in the NIU community. There were over 10 helicopters circling the area for many hours yesterday. It's sad that NIU already is a suitcase school(most of the students go home on the weekends because we're so close to Chicago).

I have a friend who's little sister was in the classroom and the girl next to her was shot. Another friend of mine, an officer at NIU, said that no amount of police training could prepare him for what he saw and went through yesterday.

Anonymous said...

The University has learned that U of I student has been identified as the
gunman in a fatal shooting at Northern Illinois University that left seven
people dead and more than a dozen more injured.

The entire University of Illinois family extends its deepest condolences to
the friends and family of the victims, and to everyone on the Northern
Illinois University campus affected by today's tragedy. Counselors from the
U of I are enroute to DeKalb to assist NIU's staff. And we will continue to
offer whatever assistance we can.

In the days to come it is important for all of us in the Illinois community
to come together to express our feelings concerning this horrible tragedy
and to share the grief that follows. We can expect to feel a wide range of

That is why I strongly encourage any U of I faculty, staff or student who
feels the need to seek counseling as a result of this tragic incident to
contact the Counseling Center. Students can call either 217-333-3704 or
217-359-4141 or go to; faculty and staff can
call either 217-244-5312 or 217-244-7739, or go to

Please remember that we are a community and, as such, we must continue to
care for each other. And, in dark moments such as these, we must turn
toward each other, not away.

Richard Herman


Anonymous said...

Here's a link with a picture of the gunman:

Anonymous said...

If you go to the livejournal blog you mention and click on the "f" for "friends" there is a 2/12/08 entry from him that is pretty indicative of his mental state and that he may have known he was going to hurt people. Do the police know about this livejournal blog?

Chris B. said...
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Chris B. said...

Up to #3 now behind two Chicago Tribune articles.

It's surreal.

Miss M said...

I found this link to his Myspace over here href="

Anonymous said...

How could a dead man log in to his myspace account today (2/15/08)?

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's his. look at the pictures; they don't look like the shooter. Plus, he goes and writes a blog 20 minutes before the shootings as a "note"? I don't think so.

moosella said...

That's not the shooter's myspace. If you read through the comments, people are calling that guy Jim or James.

Anonymous said...

Apparently this is a yearbook photo of him from 1998.

Anonymous said...


The person who is bieng linked to his myspace actually grew up with the kid and is bragging he is famous. He wrote this then changed it on this live forum thing

“steve motherucking kazmierczak. yes thats exactly the problem here. i was working at pirates cove in late 1995 and i was you know $4.50/hr child labor laws be damned and like i remember steve kazmierczak, the kind of kid who engaged in odd acts of fellatio with his dog, the kind of kid who’d go and masturbate in the bathroom while you were over at his house, the kind of person who injured kids on the train ride cuz he was mental and he shouldn’t be given domain over kids on little faux-traincars with an aluminum baseball bat… when steve f*cking kazmierczak ran up to me in late 95 early 96 proudly boasting his brand new copy of “i care because you do” like he was finally in with the cool kids. both me and my friend joe died a little bit that day.”

i know steve kazmierciak. i used to work with him. steve kazmiercziak came up to me at pirates cove, in 1995 no less, and showed me a copy of i care because you do like "hey jim i got aphex twin" and i'm like "yeah dude word" and he was braggin about it all day long telling me about how aphex twin was his favorite musician ever and yeah. so of course i knew the kid. the local paper daily herald has been contacting me and wants a proper interview about steve, so i'm going to give them one. besides, i know something about this kid that will be like whoaaaa i'm gonna get in the daily herald This post has been edited by sinicalypse: Today, 08:31 AM

Anonymous said...

so what do you know about him that's whoa?

Anonymous said...

Oh great. Jim Schaefer will now have his 15 minutes of fame. I'd make sure to read the blog on his myspace before reading anything he says about Steve. You should know what a miserable bastard he is before you accept his perspective on the shooter.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

sinicalypse is probably Jim Schaffer, based on his activity in watmm forum and his horrible MCing. Jim is/was a junky, lived in his car, and was part of the same loser scene. Steve Kazmierczak wasn't, he was not popular, but wasn't a drug user or fuck up like Jim. And Jim was mostly known mostly for hanging out with a bigger, slightly more popular loser, Bob, who was a hanger on, wannabe hacker, and druggy. Jim was also called "towely" because he wiped his face with a rag when he was posting on BBSs at his folks house, before he was kicked out.

Anonymous said...

I am a reporter for a local newspaper. If you have info on the shooter or knew him in Elk Grove Village, please call 847-797-5121.

Anonymous said...

The livejournal isn't his...he talks about starting college in '05 and that's when the shooter graduated from college.

Harsan Ronyo said...

Now that there's a name to the guy, I'm wondering if they know whether or not the man had a F.O.I.D. card, whether the guns were purchased legally, as per Illinois state law.

Kim said...

You called it.

Anonymous said...

You can find other references to that douchebag sinicalypse by googling emessiah and "miscreant sociopath" which are other handles he either has apparently gone by or is still using.

Anonymous said...

He did have a I didn't think he'd end up this way! I knew him during high school at EGHS..

Anonymous said...

Yes the whole thing is disturbing. What's worse is watching it on the news back to back with a story about baseball as if it was of equal importance. What a sick world...I'm coming here for my news for now on.

Anonymous said...

Okay, the whole situation is disturbing enough, but I'd just like to point out that when I first saw it on the news it was back to back with a baseball story as if the two stories were of equal importance. No wonder people in this world are so f***ed up! I'm coming here for my news for now on I guess.

Anonymous said...

I am extremely excited for Jim Schaefer, Ray Gale, Joe Kuzma and all the other scummy, druggy, tragic Elk Grove losers will get their 15 seconds of fame. The Daily Herald! Way to set your sights high. Record deals are assured to follow shortly.

Jim Schaefer was the defender of ridding Bob Geyser's nuts, and Bob was a pathetic loser who was the patron saint of ridding Mike Michon's nuts. Working the children's section of a public library when you're 25 should be a crime.

Anonymous said...

hey elkgrovians, it's the car-sleeping dick-sucker james schaefer in the flesh, and you know its true since i can spell words, last names (guyser, kuczma) and i dont resort to the tried-n-true medium of dicksucking faggery to bemoan anyone who i didnt like.

say your names, odds are i can tell these fine people the truth about you, fair is fair right?!@# it's not my fault someone linked me upw ith the fucker.

in fact, you're having the 15 minutes of fame by having someone "famous" to rip on now, so why not show us who you are?

Anonymous said...

i'd bet money that warran and/or dave mode provided those comments.

the mode brothers... oh where to start.

one's married to big bird, the other has delusions of style importance and all kinds of skill, and um, well that aforementioned bulletin board literally existed because the main reason to call up our board was to make fun of those two dopes, as they'd ru naround talking like this about people they didnt know, and as you ca see semi-dyslexic dan-eisenhower calibur brainpower goes to work in the finest ways ever.

DC Liar said...

Oh, snap!

We have an Elk Grove Village flame war in effect.

Anonymous said...

how might one contact blogger\google to ask them to change\remove an offending 'blog'? anyone know how highly google might rate such trite trash in their results? gotta love the 'googlearchy'.

Anonymous said...

Nice sleuthing last night.


Anonymous said...

I knew Steve! It is crazy that this happened! I was a member of the NIU ACA WITH HIM!!!

Anonymous said...

I know it's not real juicy, but I found this blog about the shooter when doing a little searching myself.

Anonymous said...

I don't see what anonymous (10:44)'s problem is.
This guy just put up the info that the media was holding back.
He broke this HOURS before the media did.
All of the offensive stuff is in the comment field.
Why should Google block this?

Anonymous said...

shit still i can't connect his website!
did anybody get there?
i wanna know what kind stuff up there...
i know there are some pics of himself, and any other else?
e.g softwares, music, some writing...etc.

this is his website.

Anonymous said...

hey guys, been doing research on this creep steve k here and there all day. finally got to see his website that he hasn't touched in 4 years...

he posted about valentines day in one of his last few posts. well it ends kinda odd...

"Wednesday, February 18, 2004

happy valentines day! i had a GREAT valentines day weekend. i hung out with melissa for pretty much the entire vacation. we went to rutgers with breanne and got to see eve and john and met eve's roommate mia. IM SO SORRY, ELENA! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! anyway i went on a triple date with skye and her boyfriend jimmy and deanna and her boyfriend scott. we went to applebees and had bungelows of joyfulness. i went to new york and stayed at melissa's college, the college of mount st vincent. it was sackfuls of tickley fun! i met all her friends including eve, elena (who has a really cool accent from staten island. IM SORRY! :'( ), and meg and arielle (who have a really cool room and style). I had sockfuls of good crap this weekend. o! and we made a multiple choice joke that was fun. yum. i like fun. it delicious and nutricious at the same time! amazing. AND!! its NEGATIVE CALORIES! (meaning u burn calories during these periods of "fun") i beez out!!!!!!!!!!! ..............fhqwgads... WAIT NO! i almost forgot the reason i initially began blogging. today i went to panera in gilette (its really not that far away) and then we went to seely's pond. on the way back we passed by a car on the side of the road and dan said something bout the guy being there when i saw sumthing in the middle of the road. both dan and i saw it and we both thought it was the same thing. i swear on my life i saw a bloody hand in the middle of the road. i was so stunned. i didnt know what to do so i just kept driving. there was an awkward silence. i was gettin a lil queasy but got over it. it was really bizarre. then we saw a shitload of ambulances. the end.
-Steve @ 12:41pm"

i'm not going to over speculate, but he thought he saw a bloody hand?

and here are some pics that i mirrored from the site:

Anonymous said...

Provide a link to the website from which you claim this writing originated.

Provide original the links to each photo not links to your own photo site.

Kim said...

I lived in Elk Grove for a while.
I liked the elks in the park.

Anonymous said...

So is Jim (siniclypt) related to the shooter

Anonymous said...

What is really scary is all the posts made here by people that seem to be a little bit unsteady.

Anonymous said...

not the blog itself - the offending material is within the comment section. blogger provides no way to flag comments or even contact them. i am concerned that innocent, totally unconnected people are getting their names dragged into this. google likes to link their results first.. would you like your this thread as a top result to a google of your name?

mr.smashy said...
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matt ingratta said...
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matt ingratta said...

"I don't think there is really much to be said about "the truth" of Elk Grove ten years ago. I was an awkward, angry person dealing with highschool. This isn't some shocking story in the history of man. I grew up, I moved away."

Ain't that just it in a nutshell......I moved far far away...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Elk Grove is nothing but a bunch of inbred drugged out hicks. Knowing that now, it's no surprise your village spawned a killer like SPK. GG losers.

Anonymous said...

Damned tragic what happened, damned evil how you people are treating each other now.

I don't know who the blog owner is but the moron should be policing his comments and not letting it go to shit like this.

Anonymous said...

I finally got on his website too - this poem is particularly creepy - was on his creative page:

Red, Blood Red

Blood Red

My eyes are covered
I'm oblivious
Or blind
Or just apathetic

Screams for help

I'm deaf
My ears removed for my safety
Unnecessary to hear this

Gasping for air
In spurts
Spurts of red
Blood Red

I'm numb
I can't sense
Can't feel

i don't like being hated... but if you must: I ask of you to beat me with your keyboard and don't stop even when I start bleeding. Kick me when I'm on the ground screaming and writhing in pain. My body swollen and bloody and mutilated... How beautiful will that be?
-"the hated"
Bruises fade away,
But scars are there to stay.

Sticks and stones may break my bones,
and ice cream is yummy.

matt ingratta said...

hicks???? in Elk Grove???? 5 miles outside of Chicago????? there were plenty of depressed people, like Steve though.

Anonymous said...

that's NOT his Livejournal - maybe you should take down that link?????

Anonymous said...

I knew Steve Kaz back at EGHS, I graduated one year before him. We were in the same social group, and I remember when they finally prescribed the kid something, he came back from summer vacation or something and the kid was FAT. Seriously, he put on like 50 lbs. He seemed better adjusted though.

Good to see some old names in here though, especially Warren Mode. Good to know he didn't go psycho as well.

DC Liar said...

I'm the moron who runs this blog. I never "police" the comments. This ain't the Hannah Montana chat room. Sorry.
If people want to be crass - That's their perogative. I'm not going to go out of my way to censor their ill-advised postings.


As for the Live Journal post - I'm leaving up what I found early Friday morning, but am going to disable the link.

edP said...

This isn't the Hannah Montana chat room? I'm fucking outta here.

Anonymous said...

I went to school at EGHS at the samae time all of these other kids did. I was in the same class as Steve and remember him as a musician, great chess player and a funny kid in his own way. After reading what some of my fellow classmates wrote, it just proves that there are a lot of people out there that need to grow up. EGHS was a typical HS...yes there were drugs and all that...but seriously show me a school that didn't have that problem. All in all, EG is a great town and was an exceptional school. All I have to say to the few people from EGHS that posted...stop thinking about yourselves and start thinking about the victims at NIU and Steve's family. They didn't do anything.

Anonymous said...

This is not his website. Neither is the blood poem...The guy with the website has a totally different name

Anonymous said...

You can take Billy out of the Hill but you can never take the Hill out of Billy. Hicks!

Anonymous said...

I knew him too. Spent time with him and his family growing up. The last time I saw him was at his mother's wake. This whole thing is surreal and bizarre and just plain shocking....The news took quite a while to digest.

Anonymous said...

Interesting story as for me. I'd like to read more about this matter. Thanks for giving that material. Robert
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